
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Bump Along the Way

So weekends are not good for me . . . especially when I'm out of town. When I'm out of town I usually eat out a lot which equates to not eating well - a habit I desperately need to break. What does that mean for my diet? Well, I'm back up to 167 - I'm not proud of this but I expected it after the week I had. I haven't gotten back into the habit of exercising since I was sick a week ago . . . I am constantly making excuses which I have to get past. I really need to focus and get a routine down - Schedule exercise so I know that I have the time. I have set a short-term goal to lose 10 lbs by the end of Febraury. I feel like this is doable and I need to set these little goals to reach my long-term goal.


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